How to Create Instagram Highlight Cover

Why Instagram Highlights are Important

Instagram Highlights serve as a visually appealing extension of your profile. They allow you to categorize and showcase your best content, making it easier for your followers to navigate through your posts and stories. A well-curated set of Highlights can leave a lasting impression on your audience.

The Role of Highlight Covers

The cover image of each Highlight acts as a window to the content it contains. It should convey the essence of the Highlight and be consistent with your overall Instagram aesthetic. Creating custom Highlight covers is crucial to making your profile visually appealing and memorable.

Planning Your Instagram Aesthetic

Defining Your Brand or Personal Style

Before you start creating Highlight covers, take a moment to define your brand or personal style on Instagram. Are you a travel blogger aiming for a wanderlust theme, a fitness enthusiast promoting a healthy lifestyle, or a small business showcasing your products? Having a clear vision of your style will guide your cover design choices.

  • Wanderlust Theme: If you’re a travel blogger, your aesthetic might revolve around breathtaking landscapes, adventure, and exploration. Choose colors and elements that evoke the spirit of travel, such as earthy tones, maps, and globes.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: For those promoting a healthy lifestyle, your aesthetic could feature vibrant colors, fresh ingredients, and active lifestyles. Incorporate images of nutritious meals, fitness gear, and outdoor activities into your covers.
  • Product Showcase: Small businesses can focus on showcasing their products through visually appealing covers. Consider using high-quality images of your products and incorporating your brand colors and logo.

Choosing a Color Scheme and Theme

Consistency is key to a visually appealing Instagram profile. Once you’ve defined your style, select a color scheme and theme that align with your brand or personal aesthetic. This consistency will help maintain a cohesive and attractive look across all your Highlights.

  • Color Scheme: Choose a set of colors that reflect your brand’s personality. For a minimalist look, you might opt for monochromatic tones, while a fashion-focused profile might incorporate bold and vibrant hues.
  • Theme: Your theme should complement your content. If you’re a food blogger, a theme centered around food photography with consistent lighting and props can make your profile more visually appealing.

By defining your brand or personal style and selecting a consistent color scheme and theme, you set the foundation for creating captivating Highlight covers that resonate with your audience.

Tools and Resources

Graphic Design Software Options

To create eye-catching Highlight covers, you’ll need graphic design software. There are various options available, from user-friendly online tools like Canva to professional software like Adobe Photoshop. Choose the one that suits your skill level and preferences.

  • Canva: Canva is an excellent choice for beginners and those who prefer a user-friendly interface. It offers pre-designed templates specifically for Instagram Highlight covers, making it easy to get started.
  • Adobe Photoshop: If you’re looking for advanced design options and complete creative freedom, Adobe Photoshop is a powerful tool. It’s ideal for users with design experience who want to create unique and intricate covers from scratch.

Free and Paid Resources for Cover Creation

Creating Highlight covers doesn’t always require you to start from scratch. There are plenty of free and paid resources available that can enhance your cover designs.

  • Stock Photos: Websites like Unsplash and Pexels offer a vast collection of high-quality, royalty-free images that you can use in your covers.
  • Icons and Illustrations: Platforms like Iconfinder and Shutterstock provide a wide range of icons and illustrations that can add a unique touch to your covers.
  • Templates: You can find pre-made templates for Highlight covers on platforms like Etsy and Creative Market. These templates are customizable and can save you time in the design process.

By exploring these tools and resources, you can elevate your Highlight cover designs and create visually stunning covers that capture the essence of your brand or personal style.

Creating Your Highlight Covers

Designing Covers Using Canva

Canva is a user-friendly online graphic design tool that offers templates specifically designed for Instagram Highlight covers. Let’s walk through the process of creating covers using Canva’s intuitive interface.

  1. Sign Up or Log In: If you haven’t already, sign up for a Canva account or log in to your existing one.
  2. Select Instagram Highlight Cover Template: After logging in, type “Instagram Highlight Cover” into the search bar. Canva will provide you with a variety of templates to choose from.
  3. Choose a Template: Browse through the templates and select one that aligns with your brand or personal style. You can always customize it later.
  4. Customize Your Cover: Once you’ve chosen a template, you can start customizing it. Change the background color, add text, upload images, and experiment with different elements until you’re satisfied with the design.
  5. Download Your Cover: After finalizing your design, click the “Download” button in the top right corner of the Canva interface. Choose the appropriate file format (usually PNG) and save it to your device.

Now you have a beautifully designed Highlight cover ready to upload to your Instagram profile.

Customizing Covers with Photoshop

For those who prefer advanced design options and complete creative control, Adobe Photoshop is an excellent choice. Here’s how to create unique Highlight covers from scratch using Photoshop.

  1. Open Photoshop: Launch Adobe Photoshop on your computer.
  2. Create a New Document: Go to “File” > “New” to create a new document. Set the dimensions to 1080 x 1920 pixels, which is the recommended size for Instagram Highlight covers.
  3. Design Your Cover: Start designing your cover from scratch. You can use a combination of images, text, shapes, and layers to create a custom design that perfectly represents your brand or style.
  4. Save Your Cover: Once you’re satisfied with your design, save the cover as a PNG file for the best quality.

Photoshop offers limitless possibilities for creativity, making it an ideal choice for users who want complete control over their Highlight cover designs.

Choosing the Right Images

Selecting Images that Resonate with Your Brand

Images are the heart of your Highlights. Discover the art of selecting images that align with your brand’s message or your personal storytelling style.

Ensuring Image Quality and Consistency

Maintain a high standard of image quality and consistency to create a visually appealing and professional profile. Learn tips and tricks for achieving this.

Adding Icons and Text

Incorporating Icons for Clarity

Icons can add a visual element that clarifies the content of your Highlights. We’ll explore how to choose and incorporate icons effectively.

Using Text to Label Your Highlights

Text labels are a simple yet effective way to convey the purpose of each Highlight. Discover best practices for adding text to your covers.

Uploading Covers to Instagram

Setting Covers for Each Highlight

When it comes to creating a cohesive and visually appealing Instagram profile, custom Highlight covers play a crucial role. To upload your custom Highlight covers and set them for each Highlight category, follow these steps:




Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and log in to your account if you aren’t already logged in.


Tap on your profile picture or the profile icon at the bottom right corner to access your profile page.


Below your bio and above your posts, you’ll see the Highlights section. These are represented by circular icons.


To set a custom cover for a Highlight, tap and hold on the Highlight you want to edit.


A menu will appear at the bottom of the screen. Select “Edit Highlight.”


In the Edit Highlight screen, you’ll see an option to “Edit Cover.” Tap on it.


You can now choose a cover photo from your camera roll or gallery. Select the custom cover you’ve designed.


After selecting the cover image, you’ll have the option to zoom in or out and adjust the positioning. Make sure the cover looks just right.


Once you’re satisfied with the cover, tap “Done” or “Save.”


You’ll be taken back to the Edit Highlight screen. Make sure to tap “Done” again to save all changes.

By following these steps, you’ll successfully upload your custom Highlight covers and set them for each Highlight category on your Instagram profile. This customization adds a professional and polished look to your profile.

Rearranging Highlights on Your Profile

Your Highlights Should Tell a Story

Your Highlights can be thought of as chapters in your Instagram storybook. They should tell a story, guide your audience, and make your profile more engaging. To rearrange your Highlights for a more compelling narrative, here’s what you need to do:




Go to your Instagram profile by tapping your profile picture or the profile icon at the bottom right corner of the app.


Below your bio and above your posts, you’ll see the Highlights section with circular icons.


To rearrange your Highlights, tap and hold on the Highlight you want to move.


While holding it, drag the Highlight to your desired position. You’ll notice that other Highlights move to make space for the one you’re rearranging.


Continue dragging and repositioning Highlights until they are in the order you want.


Once you’re satisfied with the arrangement, release your finger to drop the Highlight into its new position.

Reorganizing your Highlights allows you to craft a compelling narrative or showcase your content in the order that best resonates with your audience. Whether it’s chronological storytelling or thematic grouping, this feature lets you guide your viewers through your profile with intention.

Remember, your Instagram Highlights are an excellent opportunity to showcase your best content, share your brand story, and engage your audience effectively. By uploading custom covers, setting them for each Highlight category, and strategically rearranging your Highlights, you can create a visually appealing and engaging Instagram profile that leaves a lasting impression on your followers.

Optimizing for SEO

Using Relevant Keywords in Highlight Titles

Boost the discoverability of your Highlights by incorporating relevant keywords into your Highlight titles.

Increasing Discoverability

Implement SEO strategies to make your Highlights more discoverable and attract a broader audience.

Measuring Success

Tracking Engagement with Your Highlights

Learn how to measure the success of your Highlights by tracking views, saves, and interactions.

Making Adjustments for Better Results

Use the insights gained from tracking to make informed adjustments and improve the effectiveness of your Highlights.

In conclusion, Instagram Highlights and their covers play a vital role in curating your profile and leaving a lasting impression on your audience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create captivating and unique Highlight covers that enhance your Instagram presence.

Now, it’s your turn to get creative and make your Highlights shine!


  1. Do I need graphic design skills to create Highlight covers?
    • No, you can use user-friendly tools like Canva to create stunning covers without prior design experience.
  2. Can I change Highlight covers later if my style evolves?
    • Absolutely, it’s essential to adapt your covers as your style changes to maintain consistency.
  3. How can I track the performance of my Highlights?
    • You can track engagement by checking the number of views, saves, and interactions on each Highlight.
  4. What’s the best image size for Highlight covers?
    • Instagram recommends a size of 1080 x 1920 pixels for Highlight cover images.
  5. Should I use icons, text, or both on my covers?
    • It depends on your preference and the clarity you want to provide. Many successful profiles use a combination of both.